

My lovely husband and I

Hi, my name is Tina Blauw.

I am a 85-year-old lady who started blogging to get my message out to as many women as possible. My main reason for writing is to make you as a women, of sixty and beyond, realise that you probably have another (40) years of living ahead of you. What are you going to do with those years? Some years ago I coined a phrase: “Always be Curious About Life…that Way You’ll Stay Right in It..!” My wish is to impart that into you.

I live on the Gold Coast, Australia with my lovely husband. We moved here from Melbourne a couple of years ago to be closer to our daughter and her partner, our 2 grown up grandchildren and their partners and our 4 small great-grandchildren with #5 on the way 🙂

I want to Welcome you to Baby Boomers Secrets… It’s dedicated to all those baby boomers (and others) out there that are interested in information, tips and secrets to staying… Happy & Healthy, Wise & Wealthy, right up into their later years.  

  •  Happiness Without it, life has no purpose, we easily get sick and ageing sets in rapidly.
  •  Health……… Once it deteriorates, it’s harder to maintain that youthful vitality we all crave.
  •  Wisdom……. It comes with age and… never… to stop learning new things.
  •  Wealth……… Is not just money, it’s also having all of the above.

Happiness and Health are definitely accentuated a wee bit by a healthy bank account.

Baby Boomers Secrets  aims to cover all of these topics from various points of view, ranging from the  mainstream to the metaphysical and everything in between.
I hope, you’ll Enjoy it.